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DriveCrypt v.6.1.3 Released Container/Partitionen Verschlüsselung

Lieber Kunde, wir freuen uns, die neue Version DriveCrypt v.6.1.3 vorzustellen

Nach über einem Jahr Entwicklung wurde in dieser Version das Sicherheitsniveau drastisch erhöht.

Wir haben verschiedene neue Kryptographische Algorithmen mit XTC Cipher Mode implementiert sowie die Möglichkeit diese zu verknüpfen. Auch haben wir den Supernova Zerstreuer der gegen Malleability Attacken schützt implementiert. Das Hasching wurde mit SHA 512 und Whirlpool modernisiert. Die Verschlüsselungsgeschwindigkeit wurde durch Nutzung von Hardware Beschleunigung erhöht. Auf großer Nachfrage kann die neue DriveCrypt v.6.1.3 Version jetzt auch Truecrypt Container öffnen.

Für eine detaillierte Beschreibung der wichtigsten Neuerungen, lesen Sie bitte den Text weiter unten.

Sie können DriveCrypt v.6 hier herunterladen und testen.

Angebot: Wir haben den Preis der Software von 59.95€ auf 49,95€ gesenkt!

DriveCrypt v.6.1.3 kann hier erworben werden

Sollten Sie Upgraderechte bereits besitzen, loggen Sie sich bitte im Kundenbereich ein, deinstallieren Sie ihre alte DriveCrypt 5.x Version damit der alte Lizenzschlüssel zerstört wird und ein neuer im Kundenbereich verfügbar wird. Installieren Sie dann DriveCrypt v.6.1.3 und registrieren sie es wie gewohnt mit der neuen verfügbaren Lizenz.


Wichtigste DriveCrypt v.6.x Neuerungen:
  1. 1: Redesigned cipher engine with more modern optionally cascaded ciphers (Twofish, AES, and Serpent) with XTS mode encapsulation per cipher, with individual cipher keys. Also supports creation of legacy Blowfish based data for shared use with Drivecrypt 5 users

  2. 2: Sha256 Sha 512, and Whirlpool password hash format choices for new cipher formats, Sha256 for legacy Blowfish formats. Sha 1 hash algorithm retained only for legacy data compatibility and is no longer available for use in creating new data.

  3. 3: New fast single threaded pipelined and parallelised AES hardware encryption for new XTS format AES ciphers, for processors supporting hardware AES. Fast AES performance without multiple CPU core. Fully compatible with software AES data format for users without hardware support.

  4. 4: Optional individually keyed "Supernova" in house developed 4096 bit diffuser (one 512 byte data segment) giving enhanced protection against malleabilty... (the bending of something, in this case the amount of data affected by one single bit change) with three AES derived 128 bit IV's per block Supernova implementation written with harware AES and SSE2 instruction set, with fallback to X86/X64 instructions if no SSE2 or hardware AES available. (Generally on MUCH older hardware.) Fallback is individual for SSE2 and AES availability.

  5. 5: Menu option to open and use TrueCrypt container files.

  6. 6: Option to extend and shrink container files formatted with the NTFS file system. Old container file scheme retained for use with none NTFS formats.

  7. 7: New look color scheme based on darker theme, with optional classic, legacy color scheme support  option.

  8. 8: New right click option on mounted volumes to view list of applications open on volume, and first four open files per application

  9. 9: New lockout screen, with onscreen mouse or touch screen keyboard, password entry, (as well as keyboard) and possibility to change background by the user manually swapping out: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SecurStar\DriveCrypt6\Data\lockout.jpg"   (assumes default install folder)
    Note that the custom image file for the lockout screen background should be 1080x1920 none progressive colour JPEG image. Saving a .jpg file with the classic windows “Paint” program should provide a suitable custom image if required.

  10. 10: Legacy support for all legacy ciphers used in Drivecryt version 5 (Those which are now no longer available when creating NEW data)

  11. 11: Drivecrypt v5's "look and feel" of user interface retained for the new DriveCrypt 6 with minimal changes, so long term users should be completely familiar with this version

  12. 12: New messaging system to keep customer informed of any issues or recommendation to update and other occasional important news from SecurStar.
    Please note that on Windows 7 the Sha256 application signing support needs to be installed on your computer. On a fully updated machine this will have been done automatically. The product will not install without this update.

  13. In order to take advantages of new features of the modern operating system, Windows Vista and earlier obsolete versions are no longer supported by DriveCrypt v6


